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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Each Dog has a Lesson for You

In December I lost Garnet, my beloved 12 year old German Shepherd. She was a patient kind animal who loved all of the dogs in our pack and all of the humans. She hated it when I helped her. I used a towel under her tummy to assist her going up and down the stairs. I also had to monitor how she drank water in her old age as she had a deep, barrel chest and would often drink so fast that she'd throw up. There was a chance that she could flip her stomach which would mean death for an old dog like her.
I took care of her and monitored, but often I would feel irritated and angry, cursing the care I gave her. When that final day arrived and I knew she was suffering terribly with kidney failure I took her to the emergency vet. It all happened on a weekend so I had no time to plan to have my friend come and help her ease out of this life like I usually did.
I sat on the examining room floor with her head in my lap and fed her cookies and told her how much I loved her. I sobbed and tears and snot ran together down my face. My two daughters just handed me tissue to sop it up.
I thought back on my life with her. Garnet was beyond loyal. Her love was overkill. If I went away for a few days she'd lie by the gate if my daughter put her outside. If she was inside she'd lie by the door. When I was home she followed me into every room. Have you ever tried sharing a tiny bathroom with two German Shepherds? Well, I learned to use the time spent on the toilet as an opportunity to share a good ear or tummy scratch.
Garnet was obedience trained, but she hated to show because I was always a nervous zombie when I went in the ring. She always wanted to leave the ring and go home.
What did I learn from her? When someone loves you embrace it. I wondered many times what she saw in me, but apparently she saw beauty beyond anything else on earth. I am grateful that another sentient being found me to be so wonderful. I learned that to help one through old age takes grace and self reflection. It makes one face their anger and frustration and understand how useless it really is.
I miss you Garnet.


  1. Thank you for sharing your love of Garnet. Yes, the love and loyalty we receive from dogs is an awesome gift. Makes you wonder what would happen to this world if we shared this gift generously among humans.

  2. As a reader of your current memoir, I would encourage you to add this level of emotion to the anticipated ending for Penny.

    All of us who have helped a beloved pet transition can feel this loss.
